£1000 raised so far

Big shout out to everybody who has donated so far! £1000 raised in 5 days is a great effort. I had faith in everybody but still it’s amazing to see all the donations and support coming in. I’ve had so many conversations about upCYCLE with people and offers for help. It’s a sign that collective social responsibility is working and hopefully this is just the start of something big.

My long haired friend Hen took us past the £1000 mark when I charged him £20 for an overdue quarantrim. I think we just about got away with it! See below for a before and after to judge for yourself.

Haircut Before
Haircut After


We’ve also had some great news on the partners front. The guys behind the #BikeIsBest campaign have offered to donated all profits from their merch sales to our fundraising effort. Their campaign involves some of the leading voices in the cycling industry, with the aim of getting more people to make short journeys using their bike as an alternative to the car or public transport.


Please, if you haven’t done so already, donate as little or as much as you can to the GoFundMe campaign so we can continue to provide bikes to young black people.

Thanks, Phil


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